School Board

The Edgewood ISD School Board is focused on student achievement and the overall success of the school district. The School Board are seven volunteers who are elected at-large by the Edgewood ISD community to serve a four-year, staggered term. Responsibilities of the School Board include governance of the school district, adopting the budget, and hiring and evaluating the Superintendent.

Contacting the School Board:

The School Board welcomes comments, input, or suggestions from the public. Communicate your feedback with the Board  Email the School Board or contacting the Board Operations Manager, Amelia M. Castillo, at 210-898-2000.

Mission Statement:

Edgewood ISD provides an exceptional learning experience that engages, empowers, and prepares students to compete and reach their highest potential in an ever-changing World.

Vision Statement:

For every child, success in life. Edgewood Proud!